1 ‘Tis sweet to work for Jesus,
In this life’s little day;
To spread around the joyful sound,
As those forgiven may;
To tell His loving kindness,
His promises so true;
To urge the young that they may come
And trust this Saviour too.
2 ‘Tis sweet to work for Jesus,
Be this our one desire;
Our purpose still to do His will,
Whatever He require;
No action is too lowly,
No work of love too small;
If Christ but lead, we may indeed
We’ll follow such a call.
3 ‘Tis sweet to work for Jesus,
While our weak spirits rest
In His own care, safe sheltered there,
And with His presence blessed;
In such calm, happy moments,
No greater joy we know;
Redeemed from sin, we live for Him,
To whom our all we owe.
Source: Gospel Jewels #107