1 ’Tis Thanksgiving morn again!
Lift your voices, sons of men,
From the earth to God above—
Lift your hearts in praise and love.
2 Thank Him for His loving care;
Thank Him for the blessèd air;
Thank Him for the sunlight shed;
Thank Him for your daily bread.
3 Thank Him that our favored land,
By the bounty of His hand,
Richly her abundance yields
From her orchards and her fields.
4 Thank Him that no poisonous breath
Freighted with the germs of death,
O’er our land pursues its path
In its all consuming wrath.
5 While the sweeping blast of war
Rages over lands afar,
Thank Him that the wings of peace
All our wide domain embrace.
6 Sons of men, your voices lift
For the precious, priceless gift
Offered up for you and me,
On the Mount of Calvary!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10977