Display Title: Triumphant from the GraveFirst Line: Triumphant from the graveTune Title: TRIUMPHAuthor: Werner H. Franzmann, b. 1905Meter: SM with RefrainDate: 1993Subject: Easter |
Display Title: Triumphant from the GraveFirst Line: Triumphant from the graveTune Title: TRIUMPHAuthor: W. H. Franzmann, 1905-96Meter: S M with RefrainDate: 1996Subject: Resurrection |
Display Title: Triumphant from the GraveFirst Line: Triumphant from the graveTune Title: TRIUMPHAuthor: Werner H. Franzmann, b. 1905Meter: SM and refrainDate: 1982Subject: Easter |