1 Trusting in Jesus all the day long,
Sounding his praises ever my song;
He is my Saviour, he is my light,
O how I love him, scattered is night.
Sounding his praises all the day long,
Sounding his praises is ever my song;
He is my Saviour, he is my light,
O how I love him, Scattered is night.
2 Turned all my sorrow into such joy,
And while I trust him no fears annoy;
Watching the moments, quickly they fly,
Soon will he call me: "Come up on high. [Chorus]
3 Sounding his praises, Jesus my King,
Glory and honor ever I'll sing;
He hath redeemed me, given me peace,
Soon I shall praise him, never to cease. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #56