1 'Twas God's own Son who came to earth,
Who chose to know a lowly birth;
But, tho' a King of matchless worth,
He wore a crown of thorns.
He wore a crown of thorns that I
might wear a crown of glory!
He laid His heav'nly splendors by
to bring me love's sweet story.
In poverty He walked life's way,
In Olive's garden bowed to pray;
He wore a crown of thorns that I
might wear a crown of glory!
2 Wonderful Counsellor was He,
Matchless His grace; how could it be
That at the last, He wore for me
That bitter crown of thorns? [Refrain]
3 Kind were the deeds that crowned each day,
Gracious the words His lips would say,
While He pursued the fateful way
To wear that crown of thorns. [Refrain]
4 Never again His brow shall know
Piercings of agony and woe
But 'twas for us that, here below,
He wore the crown of thorns. [Refrain]
Source: The New National Baptist Hymnal (21st Century Edition) #114