1 Victory in Jesus,
Vict’ry in his name;
Christ, the world’s Redeemer,
All-atoning Lamb,
Came to earth from glory,
Triumphed o’er the grave;
Shout the joyful story,
“Jesus came to save!”
2 Saves from condemnation,
Saves from guilt and fear,
Saves from cruel bondage,
Wipes the falling tear;
Peace! to tossing billows,
Calms the troubled wave;
Shout the joyful story,
“Jesus came to save!”
3 Trust him for His mercy,
Pardon full and free,
Uttermost salvation,
Blissful purity,
For the word’s redemption
Christ his life he gave;
Shout the joyful story,
“Jesus came to save!”
Source: The Best of All: complete #154