1 Walking with Jesus on Emaus way,
Wondrous His words of wisdom;
Sad hearts were yearning,
Love’s fires were burning,
That blest day,
When at last those loved ones know Him,
Ever closer drew they to Him.
Abide Thou with us, the day is far spent,
O Master, with Thee we plead;
And only with Thee our souls are content,
For with Thee is joy indeed.
2 Spent is the day, the night is coming on,
With us abide, O stranger;
Twilight is falling,
Night-winds are calling,
Day is gone,
Tho’ their hearts grow closer to Him,
He was gone ere yet they knew Him. [Refrain]
3 O may we know Him when upon our way
Jesus with us would tarry;
His word believing,
His grace receiving,
That glad day,
When our hearts with love compelling,
He will enter, then, our dwelling. [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #125