1 We are marching on to a bright and happy land,
Where the saints and angels evermore shall stand
Round the throne of God, in a holy, happy band,
Singing, glory to the Lamb.
Then, come and join us, come and join our happy band,
For with Jesus by our side, on our journey He will guide
To the bright and happy land.
2 We will fight for Jesus as on our way we go,
In the battle front we will fight against the foe;
And a crown our Savior upon us will bestow,
In the bright and happy land. [Refrain]
3 Come and join our ranks, and for glory make a start,
Leave the world and sin, come and with us take a part;
In the song of vict’ry we’ll sing with voice and heart,
Hallelujah to the Lamb. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10590