1 We hail thee, O flag of our nation!
We hail thee, O flag of the free;
‘Neath thy folds safely kept is our nation,
Thou emblem of true liberty.
Proudly wave, O flag of freedom
O’er our land from sea to sea!
We love our own Red, White and Blue,
The emblem of liberty!
Protected by thy starry folds,
Thy sons to ev’ry land must be
The heralds of the Prince of Peace,
And the crown of Calvary.
2 Where thou wavest is peace and contentment;
There oppression and tyranny die;
Truth and right by the folds are protected,
And our God is exalted on high. [Refrain]
3 May the God of our fathers protect thee!
Long for freedom and right proudly wave!
Help to carry the light of the gospel!
Those in darkness and sin help to save! [Refrain]
4 This thy mission,—to life up the fallen;
Help the weak, burden bearer to be;
And the One who rules over our nation,
Shall go with thee, O flag of the free! [Refrain]
Source: The King of Glory #270