1. We now walk thru the valley and shadow,
Thru a world full of labor and strife;
But some day we shall walk with our Savior
Robed in everlasting life.
We will walk thru the streets of the city,
Where our loved ones have gone on before;
We will go thru the gates of the city,
Enter to go out no more.
2. There’ll be no more pain, sin, sickness nor sorrow
In that city where nights never come;
Where the angel of death never enters
In our blest eternal home. [Refrain]
3. From the North, East and West they shall enter;
From the South, too, a host shall arise;
Then will children of Abraham gather
To hold a reunion in the skies. [Refrain]
4. Then we’ll wade thru God’s eternal glory,
Thru the fields of His unending love;
Viewing scenes ever rising before us
Eternity alone can prove, [Refrain]
5. Let us then be kind, true and faithful,
To our Savior, Redeemer and King;
Doing all He gives us to do gladly,
And His praises ever sing. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7724