1 We praise the Lord for heav'nly bread,
With which his favour'd sons are fed;
We praise thee for that heav'nly feast,
Which Jesus with delight could taste.
2 He, while he sojourn'd here below,
Had meat which strangers could not know.
That meat he to his people gives;
And he, that tastes the banquet lives.
3 So let us live, sustain'd by grace,
Regal'd with fruits of righteousness.
Enter our hearts, all-gracious Lord!
And sup with us, and deck thy board.
4 Devotion, faith, and zealous love,
And hope that bears the soul above:
Be these our dainties, till we rise,
And taste the joys of paradise.
Source: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran Churches; to which are added prayers for families and individuals #394