1 Welcome the Sabbath, sweet day of rest,
Day that our fathers hallowed and blest;
Bearing new mercies on its bright wings,
Hark, while a chorus heaven-ward rings;
Hark! Hark!
Father, we praise Thee, glad songs we raise Thee,
Bless Thee, confess Thee, Creator and Friend;
We worship before Thee, humbly adore Thee,
Be near us and hear us, as joyous notes ascend.
2 God’s day of blessing, holy and calm,
O’er weary spirit shedding its balm;
Day when His people meet for His praise,
In His own temple carols they raise;
Hark! Hark! [Refrain]
3 Thanks to our Father, who in His love,
Sent these sweet moments, gifts from above;
Till earthly Sabbaths yield to the day,
Fair and unending still will we say;
Hark! Hark! [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #109