1 We're gathered to pay homage to our heroes of the past.
They braved the heat of day, the cold of night, the stormy blast;
And laid the church's foundations in this country true and fast,
Now the church is moving on.
Glory! glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! glory! Hallelujah!
The church is marching on.
2 We think of Richard Allen and his band across the sea.
Like the sparks upon his anvil came the word to make us free:
That God's our Father, Christ Redeemer, man our brother be,
And the church is marching on. [Refrain]
3 When Turner, from the U.S.A., came here to find the door,
And in his train came Coppin and our leaders by the score;
Mokone, Gow and Tantsi gathered others more and more,
And the church in moving on. [Refrain]
4 For all those years God led them into sunlight from dark tears;
He blessed the glorious work done by the noble pioneers.
He still stands now to guide us to take away our fears;
Let the church keep marching on. [Refrain]
Source: African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal #584