1. We’re told in the Bible that Jesus is coming,
Be ready to go, be ready to go!
When He shall descend from the portals of glory,
Be ready to go, be ready to go!
Be ready to go, for sure He is coming!
That day may be near, be ready to go,
Be ready to go with all the redeemed ones!
When He shall appear, be ready to go!
2. Then stand you no longer in idleness, brother,
Be ready to go, be ready to go!
Be watching and waiting His coming to welcome,
Be ready to go, be ready to go! [Refrain]
3. We know not the day nor the hour of His coming,
Be ready to go, be ready to go!
Reward He has promised to all who are faithful,
Be ready to go, be ready to go! [Refrain]
4. Would you with the millions redeemed there be numbered?
Be ready to go, be ready to go!
Then slight not His call, nor reject thou His mercy,
Be ready to go, be ready to go! [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #614