1 What a great singing it surely will be,
When we get there glory to share;
Songs of the ransomed thru eternity,
Wafted on heaven's pure air.
Angels above, surely will listen,
They'll listen a spell, while ages run,
Of His wonderful love, saints will be singing,
Saved by the Crucified One;
From the bondage of sin, unto deliv'rance,
In perfect accord, voices will ring.
For a little while then, angels will listen,
To Victory songs, songs they can't sing.
2 Martyrs and pilgrims by Moses once led,
From Egypt's land, at God's command;
Needing no longer the clouds overhead,
They will be heard in that band. [Refrain]
3 Only the ones saved by marvelous grace,
Pardoned from wrong, glorified throng.
Can in their spotless robes stand in that place
Singing the Victory song. [Refrain]
Source: Melodies of Love #94