1 What angel can the grace explain,
That very God is very man!
By love paternal given:
Begins the uncreated Word;
Born is the everlasting Lord;
Who made both earth and Heaven!
2 Behold Him, high above all height!
Him, God of God, and Light of Light,
In a mean earthly shrine:
Jehovah’s glory dwells with men,
His person in our flesh is seen,
The character divine!
3 Not with these eyes of flesh and blood,
Yet lo, we still behold the God,
Replete with truth and grace;
The truth of holiness we see,
The grace of full felicity,
In our Redeemer’s face.
4 Transformed by the ecstatic sight,
Our souls o’erflow with pure delight,
And every moment own;
The Lord our whole protection is,
The Lord is our immortal bliss,
And Christ and Heaven are one.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13020