1 What! must the Christian draw
His comforts from the law,
That can do nothing but condemn?
If this be Zion’s rule,
Then unto Hagar’s school,
Must Sarah send her free-born son.
2 But the bond-woman’s son
With such shall not be one,
Isaac alone is lawful heir;
So Abra’m must obey,
And Ishmael send away,
Nor Hagar must continue there.
3 Jehovah has decreed,
None but the chosen seed
Shall ever be accounted free;
Not one shall e’er possess
The promised land of bliss,
But Abra’m’s lawful family.
4 And these shall all be freed
From bondage, guilt, and dread,
And bliss, immortal bliss enjoy;
Beyond, beyond the grave,
The land of promise have,
And live with God eternally.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #522