1 What, my friend, do you say to the Savior this day?
Are you ready to meet the Bridegroom in the sky?
For the kingdom of Heav’n is like virgins three and sev’n,
Going forth to meet the Bridegroom in the sky.
Are you ready to meet the Bridegroom in the sky?
Are you ready to meet the Bridegroom in the sky?
The day is near when He’ll appear;
O be ready to meet the Bridegroom in the sky.
2 There are sheep gone astray, they have left the narrow way,
They’re not ready to meet the Bridegroom in the sky!
For their love growing cold, they are far from the fold,
And not ready to meet the Bridegroom in the sky. [Refrain]
3 But I fear there will be many living thoughtlessly,
Going forth to meet the Bridegroom in the sky;
And their lamps will not burn, so for oil they’ll return,
And the Bridegroom Jesus cometh in the sky. [Refrain]
4 Then let all of us learn to fill lamps so they burn,
And be ready to meet the Bridegroom in the sky;
Not be like foolish ones, no oil when He comes,
But be ready to meet the Bridegroom in the sky. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #234