1 What tho' sometimes the briars
Spring up amid the flow'rs,
Tho' passing clouds arising,
Replace the sunny hours;
Still from the heav'nly Father,
Unnumbered mercies fall;
His hand is gently leading,
'Tis the home-path after all.
Leading from the cross,
To the starry crown,
Leading to the land
Where we lay our burdens down;
We'll doubt Him not, nor murmur,
Whatever ills befall;
His hand is gently leading,
'Tis the home-path after all.
2 Then gladly sing His praises
In sunshine and in shade,
The heart that trusts in Jesus,
Need never be afraid;
While leaning on His bosom,
His tender love recall;
His hand is gently leading,
'Tis the home-path after all. [Chorus]
3 He knows the way before us,
Our ev'ry step He guides,
The hand outstretched to save us,
All needful good provides;
Till in the blessed city,
Beyond the jasper wall;
His hand is gently leading,
'Tis the home-path after all. [Chorus]
Source: Revival Praises #126