1 What wealth of joy Thy presence lendeth,
O Jesus, Lover of my soul!
My happiness on Thee dependeth,
Who makest my poor spirit whole.
The night of grief must quickly vanish
When from my mind Thy love doth banish
All tho'ts that cause me sore distress.
My heaven here on earth I cherish,
And all depressing ills must perish
If I but feel Thy love's caress.
2 Tho' Thou thro' weary deserts lead me,
I shall not fail to follow Thee;
With bread from heaven Thou wilt feed me
And waters clear will flow for me.
I trust Thy ways, howe'er distressing,
Because they end in naught but blessing;
Enough that Thou wilt with me stay.
For whom to honor Thou intendest
Thou into sorrow's valley sendest:
The night must e'er precede the day.
3 While death to others may seem dreary,
To me it doth not so appear;
For Thou dost not forsake the weary,
But fillest their sad hearts with cheer.
And who will dread the journey's ending
When he thro' desert wilds is wending
His way to yonder promised land?
So, kindly Light, in beauty shining,
I follow Thee without repining
Until before God's throne I stand.
4 O Lover of my soul, what pleasure
On life's dread way to lean on Thee!
Thou lendest bliss in fullest measure,
Nor sin nor death can torture me.
Such blissful rest in Thee possessing,
May I foretaste the greater blessing
Which heaven hath for me in store.
Hence, world, and come no more alluring;
In Jesus I have bliss enduring:
My Friend is mine for evermore!
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #267