1 When first the GOD of boundless grace
Disclos'd his kind design,
To rescue our apostate race
From mis'ry, shame, and sin;
2 Quick, through the realms of light and bliss,
The joyful tidings ran;
Each heart exulted at the news,
That GOD would dwell with man.
3 Yet 'midst their joys they paus'd awhile
And asked with strange surprise,
"But how can injur'd justice smile;
"Or look with pitying eyes?
4 ["Will the Almighty deign again
"To visit yonder world;
"And hither bring rebellious men,
"Whence rebels once were hurl'd?
5 "Their tears, and groans, and deep distress
"Aloud for mercy call;
"But ah! must truth and righteousness
"To mercy victims fall?"
6 So spake the friends of GOD and man,
Delighted, yet surpris'd;
Eager to know the wond'rous plan,
That wisdom had devis'd.]
7 The Son of GOD attentive heard,
And quickly thus reply'd,
"In me let mercy be reve'd,
"And justice satisfy'd.
8 "Behold! my vital blood I pour,
"A sacrifice to GOD;
"Let angry justice now no more
"Demand the sinner's blood."
9 He spake, and heaven's high arches rung,
With shouts of loud applause;
"He dy'd," the friendly angels sung,
Nor cease their rapturous joys.
Source: A New Selection of Hymns; designed for the use of conference meetings, private circles, and congregations, as a supplement to Dr. Watts' Psalms and Hymns #48
First Line: | When first the God of boundless grace |
Title: | Mercy and Truth |
Author: | Samuel Stennett |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |