1 When I was weak and weary,
Marked with the blight of sin,
Knowing no place of refuge,
Vict’ry I could not win;
Jesus then bade me enter
Into that hav’n of rest,
Place of eternal safety,
Realm of His loved and blest.
Now I am His and He is mine,
Sharing His love and joy divine;
Not all the wealth in ev’ry mine,
Nor pleasant scenes of any clime,
Could take His place or satisfy,
And I’ll be with Him by and by;
Whom He hath called He’ll glorify,
Then I’ll be just like Him.
2 All who will now may enter,
Jesus was crucified;
Tho’ Lord of all creation,
He came to earth and died;
Came in His love and pity,
Seeking for you and me,
Still He is gently calling,
What shall the answer be? [Refrain]
3 O what a wondrous Saviour,
O what a Friend divine;
Jesus who helps the fallen,
Jesus who heals the blind;
Hearken then to His pleading,
List to His loving voice,
Trust now your all to Jesus,
He’ll make your heart rejoice. [Refrain]
Source: Evangelistic Songs #37