1 When I’m weak, and Satan would deceive me,
When my wear, erring feet would stray,
Be Thou near O! Saviour do not leave me,
Be Thou near and lead me all the way.
All the way dear Saviour lead me,
Be my constant guide I pray;
All the way lest strength should fail me,
Lead me, Saviour, lead me all the way.
2 When the way seems dark, and foes assail me,
Saviour be my comfort and my stay,
Be Thou near, tho’ other friends should fail me,
Be Thou near and lead ma all the way. [Refrain]
3 And at last, when death shall overtake me,
Be thou near, O! Saviour then I pray,
Keep me safe till morning, then awake me;
Lead me on, O! lead me all the way. [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Gems Number 1 : One Hundred Eighty Sacred Selections for Religious Meetings #44