When I first put this on my website, I wrote
I don't know who wrote this. It's known and sung in the Metropolitan Community Churches, indeed it was being sung as I walked into my first MCC service, and it profoundly affected me, especially after that afternoon I saw an eagle, the first I had ever seen in my urban Seattle neighborhood. I translated it into Esperanto during the Northwest Regional Esperanto Conference, Olympia, Washington, Memorial Day weekend, 1998.
For reasons that remain mysterious to me, after the texts had been sitting seemingly unnoticed on my website for over three years and in this hymnal for at least one, during the two weeks beginning on July 29, 2001, I received information on the authorship of the hymn from three different sources, and I wish to acknowledge here the assistance of James Hayes, Robert Alexander (citing the Rainbow SDA website), and Cindy Wilder in giving Rev. Bernier due credit as the author of this cathartic hymn text. --TTT-Himnaro Cigneta, archived at http://www.geocities.ws/cigneto/thctxt/en/whenisrae1.html