1 When Jesus, by the Virgin brought,
So runs the law of Heav’n,
Was offered holy to the Lord,
And at the altar given;
2 Simeon the Just and the Devout,
Who, frequent in the fane,
Had for the Savior waited long,
But waited still in vain,
3 Came, Heav’n directed, at the hour
When Mary held her Son;
He stretchèd forth his agèd arms,
While tears of gladness run:
4 With holy joy upon his face
The good old father smiled,
While fondly in his withered arms
He clasped the promised Child.
5 And then he lifted up to Heav’n
An earnest asking eye;
"My joy is full, my hour is come,
Lord, let Thy servant die!
6 "At last my arms embrace my Lord,
Now let their vigor cease;
At last my eyes my Savior see,
Now let them close in peace!
7 "The star and glory of the land
Hath now begun to shine;
The morning that shall gild the globe
Breaks on these eyes of mine!"
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9226