1 When Jesus came down from the regions on high,
For perishing sinners, to suffer and die,
The vigilant shepherds on Bethlehem’s plain,
Heard whispers of angels, again and again,
Singing "Glory to God," singing "Peace be on earth"
Singing "Good will to men, glory to God,
Peace be on earth, good will to men, good will to men."
2 When Jesus in Bethlehem’s manger was laid,
God’s infant Evangel, by miracle made,
To whom worship and treasures by Magi were giv’n,
A multitude came from the temples of Heav’n, [Refrain]
3 While shepherds yet lingered, intent to behold
The infant Messiah whom prophets foretold,
The echoing hillsides prolonged the refrain
Of the jubilant host that encircled the plain, [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13918