1 When Jesus leads, the way grows bright,
E’en tho’ before ‘twas darkest night;
From Him there beams a radiance fair,
A heav’nly light, a light beyond compare.
I’ll trust Him though I cannot see,
The path thro’ which He leadeth me;
My faith in Him shall be my stay;
I am content when Jesus leads the way.
2 Tho’ dark the path my feet shall tread,
And dark the clouds be overhead,
I’ll have no fear, for at my side
There walks the Son, my falt’ring steps to guide. [Refrain]
3 I’ll follow Him while life shall last,
I’ll follow Him till I have passed
The golden gates of that fair shore
Where I shall rest with Him forevermore. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Faith and Hope Number 2 #83