1 When men, pretending to be wise,
Forsook plain nature’s rule,
Their minds in endless mazes lost,
The man became the fool.
2 Tho’ nature showed the One supreme,
Fancy soon marred her book;
And for the God that made the world,
His various works mistook.
3 Sun, moon, and stars, are first adored,
Then man is made divine;
Each people form their guardian god,
And bow before his shrine.
4 The nations still more stupid grow,
And turn to very stocks;
The learned Egyptian’s god behold,
It is a grazing ox.
5 Blush, Israel, blush, the chosen seed
Into like madness run;
Israel first saved, then bid to hear
The Lord their God was one.
6 Their gods above, and gods below,
Let heathen nations frame;
One is our God, and Father, too,
Jehovah is His name.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9464