1 When shall we all meet again?
When shall we all meet again?
Oft shall glowing hope expire,
Oft shall wearied love retire,
Oft shall death and sorrow reign,
Ere we all shall meet again.
2 Though on foreign shore we sigh,
Far remote our native sky;
Though the depth between us roll,
Hope shall anchor there our soul,
And in faith's well-known domain,
Within the vail, we'll meet again.
3 When the dreams of life are fled,
When its wasted lamps are dead,
When in cold oblivion's shade
Beauty, wealth, and fame are laid,
Where immortal spirits reign,
Thither soar, to meet again!
Source: The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Church #521
First Line: | When shall we all [three] meet again? |
Title: | When Shall We All Meet Again? |
Author: | Anna Jane Vardill |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
The poem was first published as "An Original Air, by a Casmerian Indian" in the London magazine, "La Belle Assemblée" (July 1807). There it was signed by "A.V----LL." The poem was later published under the title "Canzonet for Three Friends" in Vardill's "Poems and translations from the minor Greek poets and others" (by a lady), first published in 1809.
Information from John Martin, received by email 3-15