1 When Sodom’s rich but guilty plains
To wrath divine were doomed,
Abr’am the patriarch interposed
And thus his plea assumed.
2 “Shall good and bad together fall
And undistinguished lie?
Far be this ever from the God
That rules above the sky.
3 "Shall not the judge of all the earth
Whom righteous acts delight;
Shall not the spring whence justice flows
Do ever what is right?"
4 Thus did the holy patriarch plead
When zeal, with pity warm;
And saw with joy just Lot preserved
From the sulfurous storm.
5 Let God in wrath destroy a land,
Or drown in floods a world;
Guilty they were and did deserve
In ruin to be hurled.
6 What tho’ the faint sometimes may smart
Beneath a heavier rod?
He that inflicts the blow is still
A just and righteous God.
7 The ways of Heaven, dark as they seem,
Are not without their light;
The last, that brightest day of truth
Will show that all is right.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9499