1 When the great jubilee shall come,
Then we'll sing the new song,
And Christ shall take his ransomed home,
Then we'll sing the new song.
Wait a little while,
Then we'll sing the new song.
Wait a little while,
Then we'll sing the new song.
2 When the long night of sin shall close,
Then we'll sing the new song,
And life's fair day shall end our woes,
Then we'll sing the new song. [Chorus]
3 When the glad shout shall rend the sky,
Then we'll sing the new song,
"O grave, where is thy victory?"
Then we'll sing the new song. [Chorus]
4 When sorrow, pain and death are o'er,
Then we'll sing the new song,
And sighs and tears shall be no more,
Then we'll sing the new song. [Chorus]
5 Where all will be immortal, fair,
There we'll sing the new song,
When blood-washed robes are ours to wear,
Then we'll sing the new song. [Chorus]
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #29