1 When the ransomed shall return to Zion fair,
When they cross the river Jordan I'll be there;
In their songs and everlasting joy I'll share,
At the crossing of the Jordan I'll be there.
I'll be there, I'll be there,
At the crossing of the Jordan I'll be there;
In the morn, bright and fair,
All the glories of that crossing I will share.
2 When I hear their songs, and view the sheaves they bear,
When they cross the river Jordan I'll be there;
Oh what rapture! oh, what bliss beyond compare!
At the crossing of the Jordan I'll be there. [Chorus]
3 When they go up home, eternal life to share,
When they cross the river Jordan I'll be there;
There we'll sing the song of "Moses and the Lamb,"
At the crossing of the Jordan I'll be there. [Chorus]
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #54