1. When the roll is called in glory,
And earth's host shall muster there,
I will take my place among them,
And their joys and triumphs share.
Angels call the roll in glory,
Muster day for saints proclaim;
Call the roll and at the summons
I will answer to my name.
2. Tho' my dust lie in the valley,
Or beneath the ocean deep,
Call the roll, and I shall waken
From my dark and dreamless sleep. [Chorus]
3. He who keeps the keys of hades
Speaks, and lo! the vaulted door
Swings ajar the chains are riven,
And his ransomed die no more. [Chorus]
4. Born to life of endless beauty,
Satisfied my weary soul,
I shall join the glad hosannas
When the angels call the roll. [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #211