1 When you see the morning light in yonder eastern sky,
You must then remember God is ever reigning on high,
And the light of day is giv’n that you His work may do,
Out in His vineyard where workers are busy,
The morning calls to you.
Always remember God has work for you;
Grace He will give for the work that you must do;
O what an honor, called to work for God,
Doing just the work once done by Christ your Lord.
2 When the blazing noonday sun makes every task seem hard,
Be an earnest, faithful soul, keep working for your Lord,
Fearing neither heat nor cold, when by God’s Spirit led,
Always undaunted, for love of your Master,
Keep forging right ahead. [Refrain]
3 When the day is over, and the sun sets in the west,
When you take a little while in solitude to rest,
Ne’er forget that you belong to God, asleep, awake,
Working or resting, whatever you do,
Must be done for Jesus’ sake. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14689