1 While in different paths dividing,
We our pilgrimage pursue,
May our Shepherd, safely guiding,
Keep his scattered flock in view!
May the bond of blest communion
Every distant soul embrace,
Till in everlasting union,
We attain our resting place.
2 Oh, 'tis sweet, each other aiding,
In companionship to move,
One pure flame each heart pervading,
One, our Lord, our faith, our love;
Sweet when each can bend, imploring
Solace for our brother's pain,
And, the stumbling foot restoring,
Cheer him to the race again.
3 We may part in tearful sadness,
Bearing forth the precious grain,
But we shall return with gladness,
Bringing harvest sheaves again.
Thus, though fond affection weepeth,
Faith exalts her cheering voice;
He that soweth, he that reapeth,
Soon together shall rejoice.
Source: Living Hymns: for use in the Sabbath School, Christian Endeavor Meetings, the church & home #453