1. Who, Lord, shall to thy courts repair.
And find a gracious welcome there?
Who, in thy holy hill above,
Shall dwell forever in thy love?
2. He who uprightly guides his ways,
From rules of justice never strays;
Whose every word doth truth impart.
And speaks the meaning of his heart.
3. Who with his tongue backbiteth not,
Nor seeks his neighbors fame to blot;
Who entertains no ill report,
Nor spreads it to his neighbor's hurt;
4. Whose eyes, the vile, though great, despise,
But all that fear the Lord doth prize;
Whose oath, and promise, firmly bind.
Nor hopes, nor fears, shall change his mind:
5. No gains by griping usury makes.
Nor bribes against the harmless takes:
The man does thus, by God approved.
Stands firm, and never shall be moved.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752