1 Who o’er the waves from shore to shore
The gifts of commerce bear,
The wonders of the deep explore,
And own that God is there.
2 By these His works are seen; His ways
By these are understood;
He speaks the word; the storm obeys,
And rising lifts the flood.
3 Distressed, to God they make their prayer;
Obedient to His will,
The storms that raged their rage forbear,
The seas that roared are still.
4 Each grief, each fear, at once resigned,
They see their labor o’er.
Then, led by Him, their haven find,
And touch the wished for shore.
5 O then, that all would bless His name,
Whose mercy thus they prove,
And pleased from age to age proclaim,
The wonders of His love!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9830