1 Who will but let himself be guided
Of God alone, in all his ways,
Shall strength receive, be well provided,
And safely led through evil days;
Who trusts in God's unchanging love,
Builds on the Rock that naught can move.
2 No anxious cares or bitter wailing
Can help afford, or give relief;
Within ourselves there's naught availing
To give us comfort in our grief;
Our burdens, trials, sorrow, pain,
Do but increase as we complain.
3 Wait on the Lord, my heart, in meekness
And cheerful hope; be thou content
To get whate'er thy Father's kindness
And all-discerning love hath sent;
Doubt not that all thy wants are known
To Him who chose thee for His own.
4 He knows when joyful hours are needed,
And sends them as He sees it meet;
When He through trials has succeeded
To make us free from all deceit,
Then cometh He all unaware
And makes us own His loving care.
5 Think not, when in the stress of trial,
That God hath cast thee off unheard,
That he whose hopes meet no denial
Must surely be of God preferred;
God never will forsake in need
The heart that trusts in Him indeed.
Source: Christian Hymns: for church, school and home, with music #207