1 Why should life a weary journey seem?
Jesus is my light and song.
Why should I my cross a burden deem?
Jesus is my light and song.
All the way is marked by love divine,
Round my path the rays of glory shine,
Christ himself companion is of mine,
Jesus is my light and song.
Jesus is my light, Jesus is my light,
Jesus is my light and song;
Jesus is my light, I’ll serve him with my might,
Jesus is my light and song.
2 What though foes at every hand I meet?
Jesus is my light and song.
What though snares are ready for my feet?
Jesus is my light and song.
Christ himself was first to lead the way,
He was first to battle in the fray,
Now on him my every hope I stay,
Jesus is my light and song.
3 When my feet shall reach the open door,
Jesus is my light and song.
When life’s pilgrimage on earth is o’er,
Jesus is my light and song.
This through countless years my song shall be,
Love for him who sets the prisoner free,
Love for him who gave his life for me,
Jesus is my light and song.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #400