1 Will they know I am coming to join them in glory,
The dear ones who gather on Eden’s bright side?
Will they pause in the singing of love’s blessed story,
To give me a greeting beyond the swift tide?
Will they know I am coming to heaven’s fair portal?
Will they know I am coming their rapture to share?
Oh, a voice in my heart, like an echo immortal,
Is whispering softly, “they’ll welcome me there.” [Refrain]
2 Will they know I am coming, when earth’s toil is ended,
To join in their anthem, to learn the “new song,”
Unto Him who hath saved me, and led and defended,
To worship my Saviour amid the white throng? [Refrain]
3 Will they know I am coming, will loved ones in gladness
Await me, when Jesus shall call me on high?
Oh, it gives blessed comfort, in moments of sadness,
To think of the meetings beyond the blue sky. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom: for use in religious meetings #110