1 With crowns on their heads and with harps in their hands,
And robed in white raiment the glorified stand;
They are harpers of God and forever they sing
All worthy, all worthy our Saviour and King.
O singers of heaven! O glorified throng!
O spotless and holy ones, harpers of God!
By faith I can see you and join in your song,
The song of redemption, salvation by blood.
2 For Thou hast redeemed us from sin by Thy blood,
By grace we are made kings and priests unto God;
O! strike ev’ry chord, and let heaven again
Resound with the praise of the Lamb that was slain. [Chorus]
3 O harpers of God, hallelujah I cry,
I join in the chorus that rings through the sky;
I too am forgiven, I’m saved by the blood,
I love Him, I own Him, my Lord and my God. [Chorus]
4 O glorified singers, through Jesus I come,
To join you, and rest in my heavenly home;
I long for the moment, it cannot be long,
When rising in rapture I join in your song. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #90