1 With Thee, O Lord, alone to go,
Whate'er betide,
To know Thy shelt'ring hand is near,
Close by my side,
To have Thy love watch over me
With anxious care,
To lead me safely on Thy paths:
That is my prayer.
2 To know Thee, Jesus, as the Lamb
Who died for me,
Who paid the ransom of His blood
To set me free,
To be assured that Thou my sin
And curse didst bear
To save me from eternal death:
That is my prayer.
3 To have Thee, Spirit, in my heart,
With all Thy pow'r,
To feel Thy presence rich within,
New ev'ry hour,
To have Thee teach me all the truth
Of Scripture fair,
That I may safely reach my goal:
That is my prayer.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #535