1 Within thy tabernacle, Lord,
who shall abide with thee?
And in thy high and holy hill
who shall a dweller be?
2 The man that walketh uprightly,
and worketh righteousness,
And as he thinketh in his heart,
so doth he truth express.
3 Who doth not slander with his tongue,
nor to his friend doth hurt;
Nor yet against his neighbor doth
take up an ill report.
4 In whose eyes vile men are despised;
but those that God do fear
He honoreth; and changeth not,
though to his hurt he swear.
5 His coin puts not to usury,
nor take reward will he
Against the guiltless. Who doth thus
shall never movèd be.
Composed by Johann Crüger (PHH 42) as a setting for Paul Gerhardt's "Nun danket all’ und bringet Ehr," GRÄFENBERG was first published in the 1647 edition of Crüger's Praxis Pietatis Melica. The tune is arbitrarily named after a water-cure spa in Silesia, Austria, which became famous in the 1820…