1 Wonderful beyond all telling
Is the love the Father bears,
Every human love excelling,
T’ward the creatures of His care.
Have I heard aright the story,
Of the precious gift He gave?
How He sent His Son from glory,
Our poor dying souls to save?
Children of the King are we,
Royalty possessing,
Bonds are broken, we are free,
With His choicest blessing.
2 All the years since the creation
Have been guided by His love;
Every tribe and every nation
Owes its strength to God above;
But the love which gave us Jesus
Was the crowning love divine;
Gilds our work with a new glory,
Makes the Christian life to shine. [Refrain]
3 Thoughts of mercy had He for us,
Ere we drew our earthly breath;
Mercy still will be about us,
When we close our eyes in death;
Let us give Him, then, forever,
Praise from young hearts all aglow,
Love our God, and love each other,
For He loved us first, you know. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12511