1 Ye Christians, sing a joyful lay
To God, the Holy One,
Who heaven's door flings wide today
And sends to earth His Son,
And sends to earth His Son.
2 He leaves the Father's throne on high,
Is born an infant small,
Doth in a lowly manger lie,
Is sheltered in a stall,
Is sheltered in a stall.
3 His royal pow'r He lays aside,
Becomes like mortal man,
And here below doth He abide
Who laid creation's plan,
Who laid creation's plan.
4 He is the heir of David's throne,
And yet God's only Son,
By whose unbounded grace alone
The kingdom must be won,
The kingdom must be won.
5 He serve, that He may set me free
And well supply my need;
What more could Jesus do for me?
He is my help indeed,
He is my help indeed.
6 Again He opens wide the door
To blissful Paradise;
The cherub guards the gate no more,
O let your praises rise!
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #355