1 Years ago a Child was born;
’Twas a bright celestial morn
When the shepherds sought the Child,
Guarded by a virgin mild,
Cradled on her heart of love,
Watched by angels from above.
2 Wondrous mission had the Child
’Mid the shades of earth beguiled;
Whispered He of peace and love,
Taught the Father’s power to move
All things to His holy will,
Bidding discord’s waves be still.
3 Quietly He walked abroad,
Strewing blessings where He trod;
’Mid the haunts of fear and wrong,
Seeing only Truth’s fair form;
Healing, blessing all the way,
Thus He went from day to day.
4 Lingered by the bed of pain,
Raised the dead to life again;
Made all burdens roll away,
Cast out demons by the way;
Healed the blind in every throng,
Taught forgiveness of all wrong.
5 Knowing naught of space or time,
Knowing well that life divine
Shines in every human heart;
Still He bore the human part,
Living like the Son of Man,
Loving only as God can.
6 Suddenly He went away
From the world He loved so well,
Promising to come again,
Evermore with us to dwell.
All who will, behold Him now,
All who will, before Him bow.
7 Jesus Christ has come again,
Saving truth has come to men;
Angels, chant your hymns of praise,
Sons of men, your voices raise;
Shout the tidings far and near,
Christ, the blessèd truth, is here.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9465