1 You told me the story of Christ and His love,
You showed me the pathway to mansions above;
I called to the Savior, He answered my pray’r;
You led me to Jesus, I will meet you there.
I will meet you there, I will meet you there;
Is anyone saying, I will meet you there,
In the beautiful city so bright and so fair?
You led me to Jesus, I will meet you there.
2 You show’d me the fountain that cleanseth the soul,
The streams of salvation that wondrously roll,
I sought the Great Healer, the blessing to share;
You led me to Jesus, I will meet you there. [Chorus]
3 You told me of mercies that fail nevermore,
Of grace all-sufficient, of love’s boundless store;
And now I am trusting the Father’s kind care;
You led me to Jesus, I will meet you there. [Chorus]
4 The lights of that country shall never grow dim,
So bright is the glory that streameth from Him;
O joy everlasting, beyond all compare!
You led me to Jesus, I will meet you there. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School and Revival: with Y.M.C.A. supplement #123