1 Zion receive thy glorious king!
Behold, he comes to thee:
Thy songs of thanks andpraises sing;
He comes to set thee free.
2 Behold he comes from heav'n above,
To thee He doth decend;
He comes with pitty, grace and love,
As brother, lord and friend.
3 Yes, true! he comes in meanest state,
To dwell a while below;
And yet the work is wond'rous great
For him on earth to do.
4 He comes to save all Adam's race,
By shedding of his blood;
And thereby makes them heirs of grace,
And also sons of God.
5 His grace divine, and spirits aid,
Tho' we are prone to ill--
Can soon effect the change we need
To sanctify our will.
6 And thus it is that we receive
The Saviour in our heart;
Then we desire with him to live
And ne'er with him to part.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #LXIII