[Be an overcomer, only cowards yield]

[Be an overcomer, only cowards yield]

Composer: Andrew L. Byers (1907)
Published in 11 hymnals

Composer: Andrew L. Byers

Andrew Linnaeus Byers was born on Au­gust 26, 1869 in Al­bany, Il­li­nois. Byers’ mo­ther was song writer Nancy By­ers. In 1890 he became involved with Daniel War­ner & Bar­ney War­ren in evan­gel­is­tic work; later joined the Gos­pel Trump­et pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny as mu­sic ed­it­or for a year. He left that work because of health problems and worked as an evan­gel­ist and pastor in Ida­ho & Or­e­gon be­fore tak­ing a pas­tor­ate in Sac­ra­men­to, Cal­i­for­nia, in 1934. He died on November 9, 1952 in Sacramento, California. His works in­clude: Birth of a Reformation: The Life and La­bors of D. S. War­ner, 1922 NN, Hymnary. Go to person page >

Tune Information

Title: [Be an overcomer, only cowards yield]
Composer: Andrew L. Byers (1907)
Incipit: 55111 51356 53322
Key: F Major
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 2 of 2)
Page Scan

Evening Light Songs #172


Timeless Truths #813

Include 9 pre-1979 instances
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