Browsing topics in A Collection of Hymns for the use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#757Eternal beam of Light divine
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#758O Lord! my best desire fulfil
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#759All-wise, almighty, and all-good
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#760O God! to thee we raise our eyes
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#761With trouble laden—grief oppress'd
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#762God of my life, whose gracious power
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#763Glory to thee, thou righteous God
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#764Thou refuge of my soul
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#765Father, if thou must reprove
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#766It is the Lord, who doth not grieve
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#767Son of God thy blessing grant
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#768O God, thy faithfulness I plead
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#769Thou Rock of my salvation, haste
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#770Now to the haven of thy breast
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#771Saviour, now in me perform
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#772Why is my heart with grief oppress'd?
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#773Abraham, when severely tried
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#774God of my strength, in thee alone
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#775Why, O my soul, O why depress'd
Duties and TrialsPatience and Resignation#776Jesus, my Lord, my God
